Hi, I am a level 33 Fire Wizard trying to get my Fire Elemental minion from the level 28 fire spell quest. It is really difficult because sometimes I can get them down all the way to about 300-450 health but sometimes I can only do about 700-900 down. Do you guys have any tips for me to defeat Mr. Incinerator. Mr. Incinerator has 2000 health and his minion has 1000 health. I have a quite a lot of treasure cards but I haven't actually used one ever in all of my time playing Wizard101. I know how to use them it's just I never have needed to use them until now. I have tried almost over 15 times! I really need some help!
Nevermind guys, I eventually defeated him after about 4 tries after I posted this topic. I suggest that you use lots of shields, high attacking treasure cards (helephant for an example), minions if you have them (I didn't at the time but now I do :) ) including blades and traps. So there is my advice and I hope it works for you! :)