I did all of the Kroctopia quest so Master Ambrose said I needed to be in his office. (P.S. I was lvl 30 when I did this) I went to his office and he didnt tell me anything :? :? :( :( And Im lvl 31 now and hes still not doing anything... Help
You have to have defeated Krokopatra to get access to Marleybone. If you think you've done all the quests in Krok, I'd suggest checking with Major Talbot in the Oasis to see if he will send you to see Merle Ambrose.
The summons by the headmaster to come see him at Level 30 is from Grizzleheim - he's supposed to remind you to go on to the next area there, but if you've already finished it or haven't finished the earlier ones, there is no message.