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Marleybone Big Ben Tower

Feb 21, 2011
I have been defeating these characters for an hour or so more and have still not gotten to the top of this tower. I have counted 13 levels so far that I have had to climb and fight to get farther up the tower. When does it end and where is Mowierty?????? The quest arrow keeps pointing outside of the tower fighting circle that I am currently in and I cannot find an end to this constant climbing and fighting. Please help.

Feb 14, 2010
Big Ben is 15 Floors. Meowarity and 3 minions are on the top floor.

The best advice is to find other players with the quest and go in a group of 3 or 4. You can find others by switching among crowded realms right outside the entrance to the tower.
Turn your quest arrow off so it won't point in the direction of another quest.
Pay attention to the lit up character/plaque at the exit of each floor.
