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Is Barkingham Palace Worth It?

Nov 08, 2015
It's been awhile since I played Wizard101, and after just returning, I decided to make a new storm wizard. I just hit level 40 and was given the prompt to complete Barkingham Palace. Is the dungeon worth it, or should I wait to farm Waterworks?

For reference, my gear setup is as follows; Senator's Raincloud Mantle, Senator's Raincloud Toga, Zeus' Thunderstomp Boots, and the Sky Iron Hasta.

I'd appreciate the help!

Community Leader
I think it is worth running at least once or twice. However, the gear is ok and nothing too special. If you plan on questing further to the point you'll reach level 60, then I would wait for Waterworks.

There are some other options in the middle like the Wintertusk crafted gear similar to Waterworks. Also, with the Spring 2020 update, a new set was introduced for level 50 involving Celestia gear sets.

CL gear sets: https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/w101-gear-jewels-mounts/celestian-gear-sets/
Barkingham gear: https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/w101-gear-jewels-mounts/barkingham-palace-gear-guide/

Writer and Admin at Final Bastion

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