I cant find the history books in Hyde Park, Chelsea Ct, Newgate Prison, Knights Court, or Big Ben Tower.... HELP!!!!
I believe the Hyde Park one is in the Big Boss's lair GearHead... From my readings, if you go in all the Lair's for the Big Boss, you'll find the Book Pedestal ;)
I cant find the history books in Hyde Park, Chelsea Ct, Newgate Prison, Knights Court, or Big Ben Tower.... HELP!!!!
I believe the Hyde Park one is in the Big Boss's lair GearHead... From my readings, if you go in all the Lair's for the Big Boss, you'll find the Book Pedestal ;)
Well.. I can't find barely any. I'm level 34 and I've had this quest since level 29, Any help? Could anyone maybe... Give them out? There's no youtube videos like the others. Well... Search: Kayla Skythorn. Thanks!
Well.. I can't find barely any. I'm level 34 and I've had this quest since level 29, Any help? Could anyone maybe... Give them out? There's no youtube videos like the others. Well... Search: Kayla Skythorn. Thanks! </div> </blockquote>
Wizard101 Central fansite has a lot of guides and help. Check this out.
I cant find the history books in Hyde Park, Chelsea Ct, Newgate Prison, Knights Court, or Big Ben Tower.... HELP!!!!
I believe the Hyde Park one is in the Big Boss's lair GearHead... From my readings, if you go in all the Lair's for the Big Boss, you'll find the Book Pedestal ;)
Ugh! me either! i luv this game but ugh i know where one is but i forgot! help! also where are the books in celestia and marleybone and grizzleheim? help!