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Help a grandmother with Marleybone issue

Jun 06, 2009
My grandson and I have been playing wizard for almost 2 years now...and while he (my grandson) has advanced to MooShu and shortly to Dragonspyre, I am stuck in Marleybone. With all the teleporting back and forth to help each other with missions, things got a bit confused...but I know for a fact that I have done the Big Ben missions and other main quests (at least I think)...but I can't get MooShu open. I still have the stray cats mission open...but no other quests (I just opened a side-quest one last night....but that's not going to get me into MooShu). I'm beginning to think I'm the oldest wizard in Marleybone (level 37...soon to be 38)
Is there a trigger mission that specifically opens MooShu that I can try to 'force' in some way? Been stuck in Marlybone wayyyyyy too long.
Any help would be appreciated

Mar 04, 2009
If you can enter Big Ben through the sigils on your own, and you dont have any quests in big ben, go talk to headmaster ambrose. He should be able to send you on your way.

If this does not work, try contacting support. They can be incredibly helpful with problems like this.

Mar 12, 2010
danteben wrote:
My grandson and I have been playing wizard for almost 2 years now...and while he (my grandson) has advanced to MooShu and shortly to Dragonspyre, I am stuck in Marleybone. With all the teleporting back and forth to help each other with missions, things got a bit confused...but I know for a fact that I have done the Big Ben missions and other main quests (at least I think)...but I can't get MooShu open. I still have the stray cats mission open...but no other quests (I just opened a side-quest one last night....but that's not going to get me into MooShu). I'm beginning to think I'm the oldest wizard in Marleybone (level 37...soon to be 38)
Is there a trigger mission that specifically opens MooShu that I can try to 'force' in some way? Been stuck in Marlybone wayyyyyy too long.
Any help would be appreciated

The first thing I would do is open my quest log file and see if there are "any" quests for Marleybone at all, other than the stray cats. Sounds like you missed something along the way.

Also, you can go to the fansite at Wizard101Central.com. They have a complete list of quests for each world. It would mean going through each area in Marleybone to see what you missed, but I'm not sure what else you can do.

Check out this list of Marleybone quests:


Hope this helps.