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Counterweight West

Mar 22, 2011
Ok, I have been trying to do counterweight west for a while now, cannot get past it. Went to Grizzleheim and did those quests, did the underwater one back at the main world, but still cannot get enough hitpoints to do this quest. I have done the other quest alone, but this one is really hard. I am level 36 Balance and thought I had it covered. I did notice that if I defeat 1 monster in a level, I can then go back after being defeated and if I stay to the outer edge, I can pull the counterweight and go on, so I have tried to do that, got to the top level with Bellows, and boom, when I die there all 3 come back, not the ones that I knock out.

What can you suggest, I don't have any friends to do this with, my son and I were playing, so I think that I will have to have friends to do this quest.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!! :D

Mar 01, 2011
I had to get help. I'm on most evenings and will help you if you look for me.

Fallon Rainsinger

May 20, 2010
Before you go to Counterweight West, go to the Bazaar and buy 4 or 5 Storm Shields: the 90% reisist variety. Put these in your sideboard. Also, the Troll Ear Pendant (Amulet) is helpful here, as it gives you two Guiding Light treasure cards, which adds 40% to your Pixie spell. You can usually find one at the Bazaar, or you can buy it from the Amulet shop in Marleybone.

Two bladed Sandstorms should take out the enemies on each of the first 9 floors. Put Balanceblades, Sandstorms, Pixies, and perhaps a couple of Judgements in your deck.

For the last floor, you'll be changing your deck. Because all of the enemies use Weakness, two Sandstorms probably won't take out the two henchmen. Change your deck to the max Balanceblades, Judgements, Hexes, and Pixies. You can also put a few Elemental Shields in your deck to guard against the Sunbird spell that Bellows and the Clockwork Wizard have. Also, be sure to put a Reshuffle in your deck.

The goal on the last floor will be to take out each enemy with a bladed Judgement. Don't bother trying to remove the Weaknesses that the enemy casts on you. You'll compensate for them with more pips.

While you're waiting for the pips, you should be using Balanceblade or the Spirit Shields in your sideboard. If you bought a Troll Ear Pendant, you might want to put a Guiding Light on yourself. You can also put a Hex on Bellows if nothing else is avaialble.

The first goal will be to take out the Clockwork Wizard, because it can heal and cast a 400 Absorb (Spirit Shield) on an enemy. You can take this one out with bladed Judgement and 5 pips if no Weakness is on you, or 6 pips with Weakness on you.

The next target is the Gear Spinner. He'll need a bladed Judgement with six pips if there's no Weakness on you, or 7 pips if there's Weakness on you.

Finally, you focus on Bellows. A bladed and Hexed judgement will do 162.5 points of damage per-pip without Weakness on you, or 130 damage per pip if Weakness is on you. This means you'll need 13 total pips with Balanceblade and Hex and no Weakness, or 16 pips with Balanceblade, Hex, and Weakness.

Mar 22, 2011
Thanks for all that information, that helps out alot. I do change up my decks, but I was not aware of Judgement getting so many points per pip. I was thinking I should get use of my mander minion to help shield me from the bad guys. On the lower levels, alot of the monsters are balance, so my sandstorm is not that effective on them.