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Big Ben and West Counterweight

Jul 15, 2008
Well I found a bug in each one of those 2 listed above.

Firstly, although its not the biggest thing in the world, the left clock at the top is slower than the other 2 clocks and that just annoyed me greatly =/ Not that big of a deal but just stuck out

Next This WAS a big deal. I soloed west counterweight and was near the top, I had just run back for health and when I had gotten back up a few floors I realised one of the levers hadnt been pulled, so I puled it. When I got 4 levers pulled I went up again to another battle, after that battle I could not pull the las lever and too my horror realised I had pulled a lever twice as it has reset.

The second one really was a downer because I was going to fight the boss several times for the pet but didnt get a chance because I couldnt get too the top. Is there a way where they couldnt reset? It was a mistake anyone could make and I was so frustrated that I wasted all that time..

Anyone come across either of these? =/

A fix for the lever issue is in the pipeline and will go out with the next update.