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Am I too low a level to be in Marleybone???

Jul 01, 2010

I actually defeated Krok a little late because I got too lazy for Krokopatra and I worked on Grizzlehiem instead. :D
I am a level 29 in Life, and I too and currently in Marleybone. It isn't IMPOSSIBLE to defeat Marleybone, but it will be seriously more difficult because of your level. Although I don't do a million side quests, they are a fun part of the game and you should do them. It's a quick and entertaining way to earn experinence and gear.

If you do continue having problems in MB, GO BACK to Krok and do your side questings there. It's a little tedious, but the final results are worth it.

Apr 09, 2012
I am a level 27 Life wizard and i am working on marleybone with my friend John Skullhorn. He is level 44 Life wizard. Is Level 27 too low also for marleybone?

Destin Skullhorn

p.s. Feel free to add me reply to this if you want to add me! :)

Jan 17, 2012
Feb 23, 2011
After awhile MarleyBone isn't very bad. Only if you can't beat a dungeon (Or a boss) the first 3 times, I suggest getting some friends to help you out because when you can't beat it, ask for some help from those who were also stuck. And don't worry if you are a low level unless you are failing (Seemingly endlessly), Other than that good luck in MarleyBone! :D (You are probably going to need it when in the end of MarleyBone, you may experince a CATalyst of danger!)

Dec 18, 2010
I think you are just a little low for a LIFE person, if you were to be a Ice, that is a different story. ice has the MOST HEALTH, and the LEAST POWERFUL ATTACKS. fire is the COMPLETE oppiset. (i have no clue how to spell that ) i think that it is kinda ok to be there for side quests, but if you had a friend who is about lvl 27-35, you would be good doing the main quest. Just lvl up a bit, get more health gear, your mana is fine, but health you need. i am lvl 40 with average clothes and i am death, and i have 2110 health or something like that and 232 mana. take your time, but lvl a bit

Jun 18, 2012
If level 29 is to low for Marleybone then why do we start getting quests for Marleybone so early in the game? I've got two quests for Marlybone already yet I can't get into Marlybone or even find out how to enter? That's a little frustrating to receive quests for a world we can't even get into to. My professor in Ravenwood, Wizard City told to get her a book so she can teach me a new spell and the book appears to be in a place I can't get into. What's up with that?

Dec 18, 2010
winter9944 wrote:
Hi. I just defeated Krokopatra with a few friends. I'm now in Marleybone. I have one teensy little question. Am i too low a level to be in Marleybone?? I'm a level 22 and when i did the Warehouse quest, I got beat with a few hits. I have Seraph, gear that increases my health, 1,352 health and 174 mana. Again, am I too low a level to be in Marleybone? I'm waiting for my answer now :-D

Autumn Pixiedust
level 22 Life.

it does seem low but just try your best and if you have friends ask if they can help you :D :D

Feb 22, 2009
Well i was around level 25 so it questionable a lot of people are storm balance ice and fire so if you have a bad type match up at level 22 you better either get freinds or level up or you wont get far. Mathew Spiritwispherer lvl 46

Dec 10, 2011
Hi. I haven't completed all my quest in the worlds before Marleybone. but i have been to Marleybone several times and completed almost all the quest. What quest so i need to get the world Marleybone? :( :( :(

Aug 01, 2009
hannah99368 wrote:
Hi. I haven't completed all my quest in the worlds before Marleybone. but i have been to Marleybone several times and completed almost all the quest. What quest so i need to get the world Marleybone? :( :( :(

Sounds like someone is skipping ahead by Porting, you need to do your main quests to get there.

Anyhow, on topic: It seems a bit low, but everyone seems to be trying to zoom through worlds and be as far as possible with the lowest levels.
I've gotten into the habit of stopping, smelling the roses and side questing, I'll accept every side quest I see and do them when I want to stray from the main quest, and have done a ton, so I'm currently a lvl 26 death wizard just gonna start tomb of storms :D (did tomb of Beguiler yesterday wih a few friends around the same lvl though)

I personally like doing the side quests, and gaining the xp from them makes the main quests far more of a breeze at my 'higher lvl'
(haven't done crab alley or wysteria yet though, too lazy XD)

I suggest a few side quests until you get to a comfortable lvl :D

Mar 30, 2011
Lvl 22 does seem a bit low, you should try doing some side quests in Marleybone and Krokotopia to get up a litte higher! Especially if your easily dying in battles like that :?

Feb 29, 2012
yes you are too low get to 25 at least marleybone is way too hard for a lvl 22

Aug 29, 2011
From personal experience it is not that low but you will need to do the side quests that are given to you along the way. I finished WC at level 11, KT at 21, MB 26 ( i think not positive ), DS 42 (had to do lots of dungeons with friends), CL 56 (it took me more than half a year to get to 60) , and now I am in ZF. 8)
Alia (level 62)

May 01, 2012
hannah99368 wrote:
Hi. I haven't completed all my quest in the worlds before Marleybone. but i have been to Marleybone several times and completed almost all the quest. What quest so i need to get the world Marleybone? :( :( :(

You need to finish krokotopia, after you beat krokopatra yu can go to marleybone then. after you talk to the guy who gave you your second potion vial.

Jul 01, 2010
I don't think level 22 is a low level to be going into Marleybone :3 Actually, my Balance wizard got there at level 21, and is currently level 28. But then again, I had my friends helping me most of the way through...
I did some sidequests, partially because I wanted to be just a little bit higher in level. I'm almost done with The Scotland Court Yard, I just have to do the dungeon at the end then Big Ben! My Ice wizard got there at 31, but that's because I did a lot of Grizzleheim, all of Wysteria[including sidequests], Crab Alley, Sunken City, and Colossus Boluvard right in the middle of Krok XD Actually... My Balance Wizard is farther than my Ice :3

Caroline DuskBlade, Level 28 Adept Sorcerer
Sophia MoonCloud, Level 32 Magus Thaumaturge

Jun 27, 2011
I was level 31 when I got to mb.... Is that a little too late?

Jan 28, 2012
You may not want to "waste" time on side quests but a few things to keep in mind.
1 other then going back to the main area nothing happens when you die. There isn't a count of losses and it doesn't affect you at all.
2 You get the better spells as you get to higher levels. You don't do side quests you're not going to get to the higher levels. So no higher ranked spells which WILL lead you to dying more. You can't fight a rank 6 or 7 boss in DS with the spells you used in wizard city, and uh that includes blades and traps.
3 Why not? it takes time but what are you rushing to the end for? The point is to quest and explore these new worlds. To hang with your friends and well, get into fights. just saying

just got to level 60 with my myth wizard and yes it took 7 months and I'm now doing celestia and wintertusk.

Jun 17, 2012
No you are not. Done. 22 is almost perfect. But do some quests in Grizzleheim.

Jan 26, 2012
I didn't get to MB until 29 but I was stuck on the fire pyramid for a while but I'm level 35 and am at mooshu

Feb 01, 2012
I think it would be better to do side quests rather than skipping them. I did a lot of side quests and I got to Marleybone in level 31.