Well I started out unfortunately at around level 33 or 34 because I was stuck at wizard city. My parents dont really buy me cards. This last time they did and thank god I got past krok. It was pretty easyx less than an hour or two. I was speed running and skipping side quests. Its really fun when you finish cuz of the new spell but yah gl!
I was level 20 when I got to Krokotopia. I didn't have a membership until then, so I battled my way through Wizard City, and then, when I got my membership, I started on Krokotopia.
My life wizard was lvl 12. My myth wizard was lvl 10. My storm wizard got there between levels 10-15 i believe My death wizard got there... around level 15? i'm not too sure about him to be honest My other two wizards haven't gotten to Krokotopia yet
I was level 18. I did all quests and side quests in Wizard City + trained real hard because I didn't have membership. I only bought membership around 6 years later, haha!
I was, maybe level 22? I didn't have a membership for a long time, so i was stuck at level 16 for a long time. Then I ent into winterbane with some other wizards and believe i got up to 17-18. Finally i got a membership and went from 18 to 22 in one day before finally reaching krokotopia.
You're asking a lot. I have no idea what my first three wizards were at (but one is 20 in the Krokosphinx). But my balance was about level twelve and my fire was a level behind her.
I was about level 14 when I got my membership and finally went there. There were still more quests to do in Wizard City, I'll get around to those. Soon.
My storm is way past Krok so I do not remember, but my Life just got to Krokotopia at Level 17. I did all of the side quests in Wizard City except for Gloria Krendell's annoying chain. I did Sunken City, Colossus Boulevard, and Crab Alley. Taylor Daisyflame- Level 93 Taylor Moonflame- Level 17
Upon arrival to Krok on my first wizard (was so blown away by the way), he was at level 30! Yes, a Magus already! Like couple others before me, this was the very first time I was given the extraordinary opportunity of being granted a membership!
So most of my time as you'd know, was spent in Wizard City grinding the Field Guards (they were much stronger back then)
After completing all quests there, I headed toward Krokotopia.