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Jan 02, 2011
There are 2 islands that have white buildings that have shops. One also has a teleport pad. That teleport pad takes you to a very small island, with a small white building you can't get in to.
Beside that building is a rowboat just hanging there in the air and beyond it is a ship.
What is this for?
Can you ever get into it? Or go anywhere?
The ship is NOT the one you get to the krokosphinx in. That one's on the other side of the map and is at a dock

Nov 18, 2014
Yes, you can get into it, but you have to be at lease lvl thirty :)
You will get a quest from Sergeant Major Talbot, and you will need to speak to the creature there. Eventually, he will say something along the lines of "I'm missing my friends in there, can you please help?" (I think)

Then you will have to go in the Padgoa of Harmony and help the creatures out. It is really tough, so make sure you bring lots of friends

Hope this helps, and good luck!