I am Andrew Ice River, Level 14. I need to get to the Palace Of Fire for a quest,but the gate has bars over it. I am really really frustrated because I want to finish this quest. Please help!
PS: I usually am in the Diego Realm, and I am online almost all the time.
Here is how. First defeat lord nightshade in WC.Then go KT and do all the quests you can get.Then defeat Biti Nirini and Quartermaster.There you go!P.S. please be my friend my name is Cody Spirtrider Lvl.20! :D
Hi i am having troble login :( in but i am in level 15 i try to defeat bad people but when i deafeat my comuter is crazy P.S please be my friend my name is angelrubyeys
Keep in mind that even after you get the quest to go into the Palace of Fire, the bars will still appear over the entry way (at least they did for me). Despite the bars, you can still access the area (provided you have the quest).