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omg major glitch!!

Dec 13, 2008
i have the quest where ur sopposed to kill that one krok the forth krok that u kill for the forth cipher and when i went to kill kim there was a door blocking my way the ghost krok told me that i should kill him and the ciphers should open the door but the door is still there and even the quest helper is saying so!! :x

May 02, 2009
Apr 28, 2009
yeah, you have to beat the other karanahn princes till you get to him. it will take a while, so bring friends and potions. also, it's the key not the cipher, and even if it was a cipher it would only be the third one. the fourth cipher is nonexistent. and by the way, he wasnt telling you to go to the storm temple, he was telling you to go to karanahn palace beyond the barracks. you should listen more carefully next time.