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manders seem a bit to easy

Nov 19, 2012
i do apologize to kings isle and what not but when i first went n to the pyiramid and saw a orange mander i thought it would have a bit higher level of seth beacuse magma man on fircat ally in WIZARD CITY have higher health once again sorry but i was jsut sort of expecting more then just 150 health on a fire mander ik its sopose to me a bit easyeir beacuse manders are more likely for beginers just getting to krokotopia but i was just looking for a bit more of a challenge sorry once again but yea.

Feb 19, 2010
Ender scar on Mar 15, 2013 wrote:
i do apologize to kings isle and what not but when i first went n to the pyiramid and saw a orange mander i thought it would have a bit higher level of seth beacuse magma man on fircat ally in WIZARD CITY have higher health once again sorry but i was jsut sort of expecting more then just 150 health on a fire mander ik its sopose to me a bit easyeir beacuse manders are more likely for beginers just getting to krokotopia but i was just looking for a bit more of a challenge sorry once again but yea.
Krok will get more difficult my friend as it goes on.

Jul 18, 2010
Well when you first enter a world it will be easier than what the real deal is. Its just to practice and prepare you for harder things

Jul 28, 2011
A bit??? Some monsters ( I don't wanna call them that ) are particulary easy ( I hope I spelled particulary right ).
Manders are very easy, for most if not all wizards. Then again, if you made a post about it, they must be very easy for you.
They were easy for me also. But watch out - The first few monsters of the worlds are made to be easy, so you can level up and all. Example: Avalon ( World after Zafaria ) creatures in the begining are very simple, they were more easy then creatures at the end of Zafaria. And then they start to get a bit harder for wizards. This will most likely happen to you in krok.

See you in the spiral

-Angela DragonStone
The wizard that rokz

Apr 12, 2013
The Nirinis are harder. Imagine it like this: In Firecat Alley there is the Magma Men and Fire Elf Hunters. They are right next to each other, mixed in, but they have different health. (Here's a tip: both the Manders and the Nirini Sentries know the exact same spells)