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I need help to defeat Bort Malletmane

Jun 13, 2014
hi I am on level 18, and I have been trying to defeat Bort Malletmane but he has defeated me like 26 times and I need alot of help to defeat him these are all the spells I tryed to use, scarlet screamer, blood bat, and ghoul, dark fairy spell, and thunder snake. I have no idea what to do I have asked my friends to help but they are so busy, if you could help me that would be great.

Ps I am a death wizard .

May 07, 2015
wer is he wat part of krokotopia

Sep 07, 2011
By now you have probably done this, but just in case, a few tips:

With higher health enemies, you'll want to use your stronger attacks, and boost them with blades and traps. Take out 1 pip attacks and spells from other schools. Put death blades and traps in your deck, and maybe a curse or two. Defeat the minion first using a drain spell like Vampire or Ghoul. That will give you more heath, and reduce the attacks coming at you.

Then blade, trap, and attack the boss. Vampire or Banshee will work.

You can do it!

Jan 05, 2014
First off make sure you have decent gear. Go to the bazaar, sell everything in your backpack you aren't using, then buy a set of the best available level 15 gear. To find the best usable stuff, first click the usable box, this will remove everything from the display you can't use because its the wrong school or too high level. Then sort by column; for each item type, hat, robe, etc, click the top of the school column once and the top of the level column twice. This will cause the items to be listed highest level first, with death only items listed before any school items. With this sorting done finding the best items is fairly easy.

You really shouldn't equip a wand, at level 18 wands just add wand blasts to your deck, these are essentially useless clutter that makes it harder to draw the cards you need. Likewise, you don't want to equip an amulet, none of the amulets available at level 18 will give you any spell cards useful for this fight.

Build your deck with just what you need for the fight, don't put in extra cards, they just make it harder to draw what you need. I recommend: 2 vampires, 2 deathblades, 1 death trap, 1 fairy, 2 dream shields.

On turn 1, cast a death blade. On turn 2, cast a dream shield. On turn 3, if you have 4 pips throw a vampire, otherwise cast the other dream shield. Once you have 4 pips, cast vampire on the Sokkwi Gouger, the death blade boost should increase the damage enough the Gouger is defeated. If you fizzle, don't worry, the card will return to your hand, just keep casting vampire until it succeeds.

Once the minion is down, cast your other deathblade and cast the trap on Malletmane. He has a little more health than his minion, you will probably need the damage boost from the trap to take him out. With your blade and trap set, cast vampire and finish the guy off.

You are unlikely to ever need the fairy, it's just there for insurance. If you get below 300 health or so casting it might keep your health positive long enough to win.