I am trying to board the ship to Krokosphinx and I can not board. I am almost a level 20 balancer, I have done most of the quests, but not the dungeon....do you have to have a group of people to do the dungeons? Because I could not even do the first dungeon. Anyways, how do i get on the ship? The salamander says I need to get permission from that capt or whatever, but when I go to talk to him,he just says he is concerned about Winthrop. UGH! And the quest finder keeps leading me to the ship that won't let me on. I am suppose to talk to a tree named Neil.
I am trying to board the ship to Krokosphinx and I can not board. I am almost a level 20 balancer, I have done most of the quests, but not the dungeon....do you have to have a group of people to do the dungeons? Because I could not even do the first dungeon. Anyways, how do i get on the ship? The salamander says I need to get permission from that capt or whatever, but when I go to talk to him,he just says he is concerned about Winthrop. UGH! And the quest finder keeps leading me to the ship that won't let me on. I am suppose to talk to a tree named Neil.
Thank you for any help.
I was just as frustrated as you are when I couldn't but I just did lots of other quests and after a while I did it! I know you don't want to wait but that is theonly thing to do. I am a lvl. 26 balancer, which by the way is awesome, \and I love you fellow balance, just if you get on my bad side, bad things will happen. I can kill you easily as long as I plan right.
i remember when i could not go there etheir. i think you have to do a quest in the chamber of fire, then the quest tells you to go to the lizard in the alter of kings, then the lizard tells you to go to the dog in the owasis and then you get on the ship to the krokaspinx. that's all i remeber
Or you can teleport to a friend if they are in krokosphinx. (thats what I do when I have quests in there) And by the way The tree "Niles" is the balance tree. You have to complete a certain quest to get there. It will lead you to the guy in the oasis then he will tell you how to go to the krokosphinx.