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can't figure out third test of aptitude puzzl

Jun 29, 2009
I can't figure out the third puzzle in the test of aptitude quest. Can someone please help me?

Mar 12, 2010
kingarlo on Nov 23, 2012 wrote:
I can't figure out the third puzzle in the test of aptitude quest. Can someone please help me?
If I remember this test correctly, it has two parts.

First, the book says something about "the lighting in the room isn't right for a storm..." or something like that. For this, you must light the braziers right near the book (I think there were two of them), and you must make the flame the color for Storm, which is purple.

Second, go back to the book again. Now it says something like "That's better." And then it gives you a poem with four clues. It is something about the Sun shines down on the Tree... and so on. Take the four clues (Sun, Tree, etc.), and light four of the obelisks in that room using the four clues. Then the door opens. Good Luck!

Jul 03, 2010
kingarlo on Nov 23, 2012 wrote:
I can't figure out the third puzzle in the test of aptitude quest. Can someone please help me?
Is it the one where the Sun shines on the tree and there is a beetle that runs away?

You have to light up the obelisks in the order of how the book reads them to you, starting with the sun - what I do it type them in my chat box so I remember the order when I complete it.

Oct 24, 2010
kingarlo on Nov 23, 2012 wrote:
I can't figure out the third puzzle in the test of aptitude quest. Can someone please help me?
The text in the test may help:
Spoilers aren't allowed... but if you do what it says, you should be able to get it