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Can someone PLEASE help me?

Oct 25, 2009
Krokotopia is confusing me! I have no more quests in it and now I have nothing to do! Everyone is telling me to go the Winthrop dog and follow the storyline. He tells me something about Malcolm Danforth and I have to go in the Map Room. I have NO idea where the Map room is and there is no Quest Helper. Can someone please explain to me what to do?

Jul 04, 2009
Feb 27, 2009
erykahfairy wrote:
Krokotopia is confusing me! I have no more quests in it and now I have nothing to do! Everyone is telling me to go the Winthrop dog and follow the storyline. He tells me something about Malcolm Danforth and I have to go in the Map Room. I have NO idea where the Map room is and there is no Quest Helper. Can someone please explain to me what to do?

The map room is a dungeon in i think the palace of fire. Go to where you got the quest and turn on your quest arrow(T). It will lead you there once you click on the quest in your quest book.

Oct 25, 2009
Guess what? I've been playing my game today and I am SO ANGRY with everything!! My father is paying for this game so I can be happy, not so I can be furious!! Here is the problem:

OK, so Danforth told me to the Map Room. I was reading that it is in Palace of Fire in the Throne Room of Fire. I couldn't access the Palace Room of Fire for some reason!! The markers wouldn't let me in! So I had to teleport to a friend. Then I suddenly got a quest to talk to Winthrop. I did. He told me to defeat some guy. I did it with a friend. After that he told me to do something else, but I went to the Commons to play some minigames for mana. I couldn't go back into the Palace. I had to teleport to my friend AGAIN. Suddenly the quest that Winthrop gave me was completed and I had to go do something in Fang of some sort. Than Winthrop told me to meet him in the Altar of Kings. I go there and he tells me to meet him the Map Room? UH, HELLO, I JUST MET YOU THERE!!! Grrrr, I am beginning to HATE Wizard101!! I am not sure if I should unsubscribe yet, I nean afterall, somebody may help me.

When you teleported to your friend, you entered a dungeon.

Dungeons are personal adventures. They must be completed to get full credit. Logging out, leaving through the Dungeon entrance, or going to another dungeon will reset the Dungeon you started.

When you left, you reset the dungeon.

Feb 27, 2009
erykahfairy wrote:
Guess what? I've been playing my game today and I am SO ANGRY with everything!! My father is paying for this game so I can be happy, not so I can be furious!! Here is the problem:

OK, so Danforth told me to the Map Room. I was reading that it is in Palace of Fire in the Throne Room of Fire. I couldn't access the Palace Room of Fire for some reason!! The markers wouldn't let me in! So I had to teleport to a friend. Then I suddenly got a quest to talk to Winthrop. I did. He told me to defeat some guy. I did it with a friend. After that he told me to do something else, but I went to the Commons to play some minigames for mana. I couldn't go back into the Palace. I had to teleport to my friend AGAIN. Suddenly the quest that Winthrop gave me was completed and I had to go do something in Fang of some sort. Than Winthrop told me to meet him in the Altar of Kings. I go there and he tells me to meet him the Map Room? UH, HELLO, I JUST MET YOU THERE!!! Grrrr, I am beginning to HATE Wizard101!! I am not sure if I should unsubscribe yet, I nean afterall, somebody may help me.

In the map room, you must complete everything in the map room and THEN talk to winthrop IN the map room and THEN in the altar of kings.

May 04, 2009

If you went back to Winthrop for the second time, and he told you to meet him again in the Map Room (and you couldn't enter the Map Room the first time you tried), it sounds like maybe you didn't click on "accept" for this quest. When you click on "accept", it would put the quest in your list, and you would have access to the Map Room in the Throne Room (or whatever the name is).

When you teleported to your friend and defeated the guys in there, you helped your friend with his quest, but you didn't do your own.

Hope this helps. Please don't quit the game. It really is a lot of fun. Just take your time, and ask for help when you see other players in the game. Most of us are willing to help anyone who asks. I will if I see you!

Jasmine Stormwalker, or
Kiley AshHunter, or
Bailey Mythfinder

P.S. - I like the game so much I play on 3 different characters for now. Have fun!