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khrysalis bosses w/ shad spells

Mar 03, 2020
(not sure if this belongs here or in the khrys category, i assume the community manager can move it wherever it truly goes)

i've been going through khrys for the first time since the shadow spell backlash changes and noticed that for all of the first part khrys bosses that use shad, they only start with 15 backlash, iirc you started with 30 before the change, and now 40 (the player) are the bosses intended to start with such little backlash the ai just uses a blade or hit and they get free from backlash? that could be your case but it seems odd considering how backlash was changed to be something to manage, though since the ai is easy to outplay it isn't so much of an issue i'm just wondering because i've seen ghost dog use shrike multiple times and start with only 15 backlash so he either just hits or blades and he takes no damage from backlash.

not sure if it remains the same in khrys 2 but in khrys 1 its been 15 only and when the player uses shad spells it's 40

caleb10104 on Oct 19, 2020 wrote:
(not sure if this belongs here or in the khrys category, i assume the community manager can move it wherever it truly goes)

i've been going through khrys for the first time since the shadow spell backlash changes and noticed that for all of the first part khrys bosses that use shad, they only start with 15 backlash, iirc you started with 30 before the change, and now 40 (the player) are the bosses intended to start with such little backlash the ai just uses a blade or hit and they get free from backlash? that could be your case but it seems odd considering how backlash was changed to be something to manage, though since the ai is easy to outplay it isn't so much of an issue i'm just wondering because i've seen ghost dog use shrike multiple times and start with only 15 backlash so he either just hits or blades and he takes no damage from backlash.

not sure if it remains the same in khrys 2 but in khrys 1 its been 15 only and when the player uses shad spells it's 40
No worries, I got ya! I moved the post to the Khrysalis section. Someone here will soon respond I'm sure.