Hi, I just recently got back into playing Wizard101 about a week ago. I would like to be all caught up for the new world arrival, part 2 that it. Thing is, I'm having a hard time in Khrysalis. I no longer have any friends on and I've just been all alone so hard and struggling. Lol. I was wondering if anyone else had ever been in my little drift as well.
I'm currently trying to beat Zaragovia the DoomMask who holds the key to Tyrian Gorge and I'm not being very successful. That..and I just want some more friends ;-;
Jasmine DragonStone lvl 93
You can just about find me in Khrysalis now a days
A Team Up! Button has been added to the “Press X to Enter” window of most dungeon sigils. The button allows players to find other players that want to play the same dungeon even if they’re in different realms.
That's my problem. It takes forever and I don't have the time to wait for other people to join. If not for waiting, I'm not too sure what I should do? Should I ask around in the Commons? I've never done that since it makes me sound desperate..which I sort of am.
That's my problem. It takes forever and I don't have the time to wait for other people to join. If not for waiting, I'm not too sure what I should do? Should I ask around in the Commons? I've never done that since it makes me sound desperate..which I sort of am.
If you sit and ask for help do it at the common area of the world you are currently questing in - you may have to switch realms for a more populated one. Rarely have I seen anyone get help unless I am there, in the Wizard City Commons for upper worlds.
Continue to try the team up first as it may pan out for some instances. I find even for myself as the worlds get more difficult it's harder to find someone who wants to repeat things too. I have Azteca burn out so am not currently questing on my wizard I did finally get into the new world. The initial wave of players has probably pasted though this world by now also making it difficult to find help?
If you sit and ask for help do it at the common area of the world you are currently questing in - you may have to switch realms for a more populated one. Rarely have I seen anyone get help unless I am there, in the Wizard City Commons for upper worlds.
Continue to try the team up first as it may pan out for some instances. I find even for myself as the worlds get more difficult it's harder to find someone who wants to repeat things too. I have Azteca burn out so am not currently questing on my wizard I did finally get into the new world. The initial wave of players has probably pasted though this world by now also making it difficult to find help?
Yes!! Exactly and it's terrible. Lol. I wish I would have tried to keep up to date with W101 for the exact reason of very few people coming through