A while ago I got a king parsley plant, an evil magma seeds plant and a couch potato plant. i have been gardening all three of them for this time however while i have around 20 king parsley's i only have 2 evil magma peas and still the one couch potato. Should i focus all of my farming on my king parsleys or should i keep my evil magma peas and couch potato around?Thanks in advance!
The Evil Magma Peas and Counch Potatoes produce mega snacks, which are very useful for pet training. The King Parsley produces Hard Amber, which is used in crafting some very nice things (such as spells).
A while ago I got a king parsley plant, an evil magma seeds plant and a couch potato plant. i have been gardening all three of them for this time however while i have around 20 king parsley's i only have 2 evil magma peas and still the one couch potato. Should i focus all of my farming on my king parsleys or should i keep my evil magma peas and couch potato around?Thanks in advance!
Andrew Iceshield 55
It really depends on what you want to gain. King Parsley were very popular at one point for Amber (to craft spells). I don't see them in demand as much anymore due to the rather high amber drop rates in Aquila.
Evil Magma Peas and Couch Potatoes drop sought after mega snacks. I prefer Evil Magma Peas over Couch Potatoes though, since they drop more of a variety of snacks. However, Couch Potatoes tend to be obtained more easily from Grizzleheim mobs.
So, to answer your question, I think we first need to know why you're gardening. What do you hope to gain from planting?
A while ago I got a king parsley plant, an evil magma seeds plant and a couch potato plant. i have been gardening all three of them for this time however while i have around 20 king parsley's i only have 2 evil magma peas and still the one couch potato. Should i focus all of my farming on my king parsleys or should i keep my evil magma peas and couch potato around?Thanks in advance!
Andrew Iceshield 55
Vanessa M. is right.
If you are after increasing pet snacks and want to continue with the Evil Magma Peas and Couch Potatoes, plant them and leave them until the next Double Rewards from gardening. That will probably be sometime in May but could be anytime since KI does mix things up every now and then. By leaving them, you can double the seeds.
King Parsley multiplies seeds fairly fast so you will end up with more of those. If you end up with more than you want to keep, you can feed the extras to your pet.
Personally, I plant King Parsley, Evil Magma Peas, Couch Potatoes, Deadly Helephant Ears and Sword Ferns. I get a good variety of snacks, TC Blades as well as other TC's (you can sell for gold if you don't want or need them) and reagents.
As Vanessa stated, depending on what your goal is makes the difference.
A while ago I got a king parsley plant, an evil magma seeds plant and a couch potato plant. i have been gardening all three of them for this time however while i have around 20 king parsley's i only have 2 evil magma peas and still the one couch potato. Should i focus all of my farming on my king parsleys or should i keep my evil magma peas and couch potato around?Thanks in advance!
Andrew Iceshield 55
Those 3 plants are excellent for planting. Of the 3, King Parsley is the only one that can spawn multiples.
Keep planting your Evil Magma Peas and Couch Potato. King Parsley provides nice low-medium snacks that you can use or sell, plus diamonds, black pearls, feints, and your best source for Amber.
If you ever get more Evil Magma Peas, those are the best plants as they provide Feint, Cleanse Charm, Pierce, nice reagents and Rank 9 Mega snacks.
Couch Potatoes provide Rank 9 snacks, but they are large plants and take up a lot of room.
Another plant to consider is Deadly Helephant Ears, if/when you happen to pick some up, especially if you're trying to gain gardening levels. They drop more frequently from mobs than Evil Magma Peas do from bosses, but they give you the same XP (300/Mature, 3,000/Elder). Those are the seeds I had a lot of at one point, and that's what I used to level up.
The Mega Snacks they drop aren't as good as the ones EMP's drop, but they're balanced like the EMP snacks in that when you alternate which one you feed to your pet, all attributes increase, unlike the Mega Snacks you get from Couch Potatoes that will never advance your pet's Intellect.
KP's I used to get Amber to craft spells.
As has already been stated though, they're all good plants, depending on what you want to get from your gardens. KP's as mentioned are a real bonus because, as you've probably already found out, you can get their seeds from Mature harvests so they really start the multiply rapidly the more you plant. That's different from the EMP's, DHE's, and CP's that only drop one of their seeds at Elder, so the only way to multiply them is to hope you get drops from mobs/bosses, buy them, or harvest them at Elder during a Double Gardening Rewards event.
For pet snacks, EMP is definitely the way to go. I also started supplementing them with Sword Ferns (managed to get a drop from someone, and have 16 seeds now thanks to DGR) as they drop Hambrosia to go along with the Fancy Yogurt I get from my EMP's, which I now have probably close to 2,000 seeds between my two accounts again thanks to DGR.
The other thing too, if you're stacking gardens (once you have enough seeds), large soil plots for Couch Potatoes aren't as easy to stack. My houses all have 69 medium soil plots ready to go, and they work for all of those plants except the CP's.