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soon to quit gardening

May 31, 2009
found type 2 pest on my plants and no spell to remove, I did find a spell in the crowns but cost me a package of 600 crowns.
If this is the future of Gardening, I will stop when my plants are gone.
I should have been given a spell to remove type 2 pests, not buy it with crowns. I went to Farley, there the spell is but I cant have it yet. Plus the spell that came with the crowns did not remove the type 2 pests from all my plants so I had to delete one.
Now out of energy I cant continue to take care of the plants , so to me it is more a do without and fight to take care thing. Like crafting, I tried it long ago, it took me to a crafting quest that told me the item could not be crafted here, but game failed to tell me where i could get it crafted, so I stop crafting, more like hide it and you seek it. Too Much trouble.....
Planting is turning out same way., To some Gardening may be enjoyable,I am happy for them, Me I dont like walking around in the dark......If I have type 2 pests then I should have a spell to remove type 2 pests and not have to spend crowns to attain it.

Can you tell us what rank 2 pest was plaguing your plants and what plants in particular were being plagued?

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Oct 11, 2010
I had the same problem on my Pink Dandilions, but since the difficulty to grow them has 4 shovels Im not upset about it... I just plowed the seed over and will grow it again when I can get the higher lvl pest control spell. Not everything is supposed to be so easy to do...step out of your box a little and relax and enjoy. This is supposed to be for fun and a challenge at the same time :D.

May 31, 2009
Nothing like comming online first thing in the morning, and finding level 2 pest and no way to remove. I got them removed but it cost me 600 in crowns, this is my gripe, I should have what it takes to Garden provided to me, but nowhere could i find a remedy for the type 2 pest except in crowns.
Sure I will give it a chance, but deleteing one plant now because I couldnt help the plant, How many are next?
I notice the Library cards for plants are blacked out so no purchase there, went to Kroctopia Library none there, I went to Farley, spell there but I can not have at this time, So, I am left in the dark. I bought cards with crowns this time, Next time I delete them and just move on.
Sure it isnt suppose to be easy, But it shouldnt be Impossible either.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
You can buy the pest spell that covers rank 1 and 2 pests from Farley at 2nd level.

I have never seen level 1 plants with anything but the flies (rank 1 pests).

They have 5 pest spells:
1) Rank 1 (Farley)
2) Rank 1 & 2 (Farley)
3) Rank 1-3 (Krok vendor)
4) Rank 1-5 (MS vendor)
5) Any rank (Cl vendor)

--->Trainers are to my best memory.

My worst pest since gardening went live has been a rank 4 pest (2 different times), but these were on lvl 5+ plants.

Nov 19, 2010
I'm having this problem as well. I now have two Pink Dandilions that have Lightning Bugs as pests. Rank two pests should not be able to infest rank 1 plants.

Aug 12, 2009
I'm getting Garden Imps very frequently! Could you make PEST KILLING spells cost MANA and not ENERGY? or at least cut the cost of these spells by at least 25-50%? I shouldn't have to spend 50+ Energy defending my plants where it leaves me UNABLE to care for their needs.

May 31, 2010
The pink dandelion seed was available from the crown shop. I never gotton one from a reward, just the orange dandelion.

I would suggest if you buy plants from the crown shop, be prepared to spend more crowns to care for these special plants until you can level up your gardening skills. Until then, I would just avoid them. Stick with growing the plants you can purchase from vendor. The pink dandelion reward is much greater than than the other rank 1 plants. Its going to require a higher level of care.

Feb 16, 2010
I have recieved a number of pink dandelions as drops. I think they came from helping some friends with battles in CL. I planted them, just because I liked the idea of pink rather than yellow dandelions. But, I am a level one gardener, and as noted above, I now have rank 2 pests on them. I won't spend crowns to repair something I didn't spend crowns on before. I did however, also obtain a few dropped pest control treasure cards as well. When these run out my pink dandelions will just have to die and wait to be revived when I'm a level 2 gardener. So sad, I was looking forward to seeing some pretty pink flowers.
I would prefer that KI didn't put pests on plants that exceed the planting level. I don't think it's particularly fair, especially without some kind of warning. But I won't quit gardening over it, just consider it a lesson learned and move on. I'll just have to settle for regular level 1 plants until I grow a level.

Aug 08, 2010
Placing items that the plant likes near them seems to decrease the frequency of their needs.

Dandelions like: gnomes, broken stump, and blue yarn (not sure of anything else they might like)

The broken stump and blue yarn are both drops, but can sometimes be found in the bazaar under housing items.

The added items will also make your plants grow much more quickly! :D

Sep 13, 2008
I saw this problem also. What you need to do is get up to rank 2 gardener. They you can train a spell that will get rid of level 2 pests. It costs like 10,000 to train it. Through out gardening you will need to go the other trainers in krokotopia, moo-shu, and celestia. They are all in the common area of those worlds.

To get to level 2 I suggest planting a different plant that is less needy. Hopefully your dandelions will survive. Now if you are already level 2 or above gardener then just go back to farley in golem court. He has a spell called gust I believe. Appreciate the post actually. I just planted some pink dandelions, didn't know they could even get level 2 pests. :(

Jun 12, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
found type 2 pest on my plants and no spell to remove, I did find a spell in the crowns but cost me a package of 600 crowns.
If this is the future of Gardening, I will stop when my plants are gone.
I should have been given a spell to remove type 2 pests, not buy it with crowns. I went to Farley, there the spell is but I cant have it yet. Plus the spell that came with the crowns did not remove the type 2 pests from all my plants so I had to delete one.
Now out of energy I cant continue to take care of the plants , so to me it is more a do without and fight to take care thing. Like crafting, I tried it long ago, it took me to a crafting quest that told me the item could not be crafted here, but game failed to tell me where i could get it crafted, so I stop crafting, more like hide it and you seek it. Too Much trouble.....
Planting is turning out same way., To some Gardening may be enjoyable,I am happy for them, Me I dont like walking around in the dark......If I have type 2 pests then I should have a spell to remove type 2 pests and not have to spend crowns to attain it.
i save my pink dandelions for when i am lvl two because sometimes they get rnk two pests usually lighning bugs but it can also sometimes be a rnk one fly swarm so i save my pink dandelions for rnk two planter

Jun 12, 2009
mantisrane wrote:
I saw this problem also. What you need to do is get up to rank 2 gardener. They you can train a spell that will get rid of level 2 pests. It costs like 10,000 to train it. Through out gardening you will need to go the other trainers in krokotopia, moo-shu, and celestia. They are all in the common area of those worlds.

To get to level 2 I suggest planting a different plant that is less needy. Hopefully your dandelions will survive. Now if you are already level 2 or above gardener then just go back to farley in golem court. He has a spell called gust I believe. Appreciate the post actually. I just planted some pink dandelions, didn't know they could even get level 2 pests. :(
that has just been fixed rank to pests on them i have frequently discovered fly swarm is the only pest my pink dandelions have been plaugued by

May 04, 2010
Regarding MikeStrath's comment - I am finding that Krok & Mooshu gardening vendors are only selling plant pots and seeds. It does not matter what realm I am in or whether I log off and back into the game. Does this mean there is a computer bug attached to the vendors?

(I can not say if there is a problem with the CL vendor, I can not access that world yet.)

Jun 09, 2009
OrchidPixie wrote:
Regarding MikeStrath's comment - I am finding that Krok & Mooshu gardening vendors are only selling plant pots and seeds. It does not matter what realm I am in or whether I log off and back into the game. Does this mean there is a computer bug attached to the vendors?

(I can not say if there is a problem with the CL vendor, I can not access that world yet.)

You clicked the wrong button, don't click the shopping button, click the "train" button.

Oct 12, 2010
i already quit gardening 4 a simalar problem i had plants that needed watering and i dident have a watering spell then my sister showed me her gardening spells and she had like 6 more than me and also this is off topic but my sister is sick right now :( so cross your fingers 4 me and hope she feels better soon.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
OrchidPixie wrote:
Regarding MikeStrath's comment - I am finding that Krok & Mooshu gardening vendors are only selling plant pots and seeds. It does not matter what realm I am in or whether I log off and back into the game. Does this mean there is a computer bug attached to the vendors?

(I can not say if there is a problem with the CL vendor, I can not access that world yet.)

I re-checked my notes. If you go to the Krok vendor (to the left side of the entrance to the pyramid, and click on 'training', you should get the spells you can train...as we did with Farley.

May 04, 2010
The training brings up another issue that I may be having. It seems that everyone is training like crazy, however I am halfway through Dragonspyre and I have only finished my one school - Fire, before entering Dragonspyre. That means I have finished all of WC, Krok, Mooshu.

I only got through 3/4 of Grizzle, simply because the Raven section is simply not enjoyably and fairly ranked against us players. Get to the Iceland section where I have to fight 3 ice guys that are rank at 8,000 a piece. That is ridiculous! 24,000 against my 2, 300. (I have purchased the highest health garments I could find.) I have wasted over 60, 000 crowns buying health and other potions in the crown store and still could not kill them. Simply because the enemies can use higher ranked cards that I have no access too. How come I can not use my crowns to buy some training points or cards from the other teachers?

My point is this, if I am to battle 24, 000 or more, plus train for gardening cards, then I (we) should get more training points than just one or two per world. Each boss, and some other semi-bosses in the houses, should be dropping training points when we battle. Am I really the only one receiving such very few training points? (If so, please tell me and I will put in a ticket.) If not, then please let me know how some of you are getting more training points than I.

Community Leader
Dear Zeke,
I will never give up :-) Yet I have been plagued with imps rank 5 pests. I have had to dig up plants when I was only level 4, and now that I am a high rank gardener I get even more imps.

Can you give a tip that might help me not get as many pests? I have up to 3 if not 4 likes on my plants. Yet just this morning I had 2 imps.

Thanks for any help you can provide.