Ok i think we should aloud to move our plants when they are planted. Like not to differant pots but move the pots around, i know why we dont or i think i do(that way you dont put all water in a corner then water with one thing, ect... with all the other things) But like if they have NO needs we sould be able to move them to make room for new or better plants or to make it look better. Most people dont want to start all over and wait till there plants die, havrvest or remove them to make them look better or put them in differant spots.
This may have to do with the updates or something, but here goes...
I am a journeyman gardener right now, but when I see the experience bar, only the first bar and about 1/10 of the second bar is filled, so I want to know what's up with that...
Zachary Trollcatcher, Level 28 Myth Wizard
P.S. In the update thing, you guys said that there would be a thing where we would be able to see how much exp we would have to get 'til our next gardening rank, someone please tell me where it is...
I purchased a small flower pot and a small plot of soil. While the game allows me to place the pot where I like. It will not allow me to place the siol inside or anywhere near the pot.
The soil come with the pot just drop the seed into the pot.
Excuse me, but it has taken FOREVER to get to rank 7. It has been over a month now. I have harvested 2 Elder Pink Dandelions, 2 Elder Venus Fly Traps, about 5 Elder Dandelions, an Elder Pink Laugh-o-dil, 4 Elder Boom Shrooms, 3 or 4 Elder Snap Dragons, 2 Elder Evil Snow Peas, and a couple of harvests from a Prickly Bear Cactus and another Pink Dandelion. This might be because my EXP Bar was reset from the last update, and it takes SO LONG!!!!!
um where do i get gnomes cause i see ALOT of my frineds have them and i looked every where and i couldn't find them. p.s if they are in some other world then i might not have looked EVERY where.
um where do i get gnomes cause i see ALOT of my frineds have them and i looked every where and i couldn't find them. p.s if they are in some other world then i might not have looked EVERY where.
Go to the first gardening trainer in Golem Court and look under household items to buy.
I purchased a small flower pot and a small plot of soil. While the game allows me to place the pot where I like. It will not allow me to place the siol inside or anywhere near the pot.
This is because the small soil plot is for use in houses. The pot allows for indoor growing (including dorms), while the plots allow for outdoor growing for players with houses.
Well, a couple months ago, you needed to fix something for gardening, and it took about 12 hours. I went on, and my plants were doing pretty bad. Well, I just got back from a 5-day vacation, without playing the entire time. I went on today, and they weren't even wilting, or even close, for that matter! is this possible, or is this a bug or something?
Zachary Trollcatcher, Level 29 Conjurer, Expert Gardener(leveled up from elder frozen fly trap just today.)
Gardening needs to have its own seperate energy bubble. There is no way I can train a pet up to ancient and garden. Man, I never thought KI would come out with something this incredibly lame . Seperate energy bubbles would actually make gardening a positive add-on versus a negative one.
i saw some one else suggest this but tiger lillies, and then there is another plant called a bleeding heart that is actually shaped like a bleeding heart, and then there is a flower called lilly of the valley but it is actually shaped like a bell and it comes in two colors white and pink. and then there are the different types of pepper plants with every thing from the mild bell pepper to the very hot habanero pepper. and you even have them already as snacks too like cauliflower, and broccoli, and tomatoes. and then you have some weather themed plants like sunflowers, icelandic poppys, snow drops, snow ball mums, morninng glories, night blooming jasmine, how about blood ornages, that is all i can think of right now if i can think of more i will post again.
I would like to suggest a booberry plant or boobell plant and how about a Jack-O-Lantern plant near Halloween. You could really have some fun creating these gardening plants or bushes.
So I used up all my treasure blades, and went to purchase more honey sickle seeds and they are not on the same vendor in Golem Court. So I searched all vendors and cant seem to find them anywhere. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
So I used up all my treasure blades, and went to purchase more honey sickle seeds and they are not on the same vendor in Golem Court. So I searched all vendors and cant seem to find them anywhere. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
They arent from vedora anymore, they are from drops.
I'm a rank Five Gardener and I have a Venus Fly Trap that is in serious trouble! It has rank four, Exploding Gnats, pests! I've been to Krokotopia in hopes of purchasing the "cure" spell, but found that I can only get as high as rank three pest control.
After doing some research, I find out that MooShu is the only place where the spell is available. I'm really reluctant to ask someone who has access to that realm (seeing as I do not). Dealing with high level wizards with access to MooShu amounts to, "What will you give me if I take you there?" Really? Does my plant have to suffer, and likely die, while I work on gaining access to MooShu on my own?
As a last resort, I went to the Crowns Shop and purchased "MooLinda's Gardening" Booster Pack". Imagine my disappointment when I discover no help in that. Again, rank three is as high as they go. Now I feel like I wasted my crowns on something that is useless. I would have much rather bought a "Dragon Hoards" pack instead.
Hi....I have searched and searched!! I have 7 wizards ...5 of which are gardening inside thier dorm rooms. My quiestion is WHERE do I purchase LARGE pots????? I find small and medium, but where are the large ones??? :?
Is level 10 the highest level in gardening???? I've been on level 10 for quite awhile and although the bar is all green I haven't leveled up. Is that it??
How do I increase the size of my garden? I am currently limited to 50 but I am a rank 10 gardner. Other wizards I know have larger gardens. Does it have to do with the type of house that you have? Thanks
After doing some research, I find out that MooShu is the only place where the spell is available. I'm really reluctant to ask someone who has access to that realm (seeing as I do not). Dealing with high level wizards with access to MooShu amounts to, "What will you give me if I take you there?" Really? Does my plant have to suffer, and likely die, while I work on gaining access to MooShu on my own?
Yep, you either have to ask for a 'ride', or let the plant die. Don't dig it up though! Once you get to Mooshu, just use the revive spell from WC on it, and then you are ready for any pests that come your way. If it is only wilted, and not dead, don't waste the energy on the revive spell. You just need to take care of any needs and pests to turn it back into a healthy, green sprout. I had the same issue and I asked for a ride to Mooshu for about 10 minutes in the Commons of WC in several realms and finally just gave up and let the plant die until that character reached Mooshu.