Okay so I planted 4 Pink Dandelions all at the same time (within seconds), but yet they seem to have different times to harvest in a range of 2 hours from shortest to longest.
They are all in small pots. With 2 in small enchanted pots and 2 in small pots. I would expect possibly the enchanted to have maybe a shorter time or something, but they are not any different one is on a quicker cycle and one is actually the longest.
I have three items a Ball of Blue Yarn, a Potted Cattail, and a Tropical Garden Gnome near them and they all acknowledge them. So I am at a loss for why this should be occurring and what to see if anyone else has similar experiences.
Although it seems difficult to pinpoint the exact reason this occurs, it seems it is most likely due to either one of three things:
1. Perhaps placing one of the liked items closer to another plant increases the time for them, although the other plants still receive the boost, perhaps the closest plant next to the item receives more of a faster growing time.
2. Kingsisle may have implemented a feature that allows plants to grow and harvest at different times, meaning that certain values could result in one plant growing faster.
3. The pots they were placed in could have additional effects that we are unaware of, though there is no way to prove this unless several tests are formed.
Oh, the answer to your question?
I believe only kingsisle knows as far as I am aware, I only have these 3 ideas to go off of.
Like your thoughts on #1, if the Gnome was not closet to the slowest of the growing plants :) But I did think of that and attempt to place the Potted Cattail in the middle with the 4 pots on a perceived corner (Compass Points) and got no difference on this. I do agree it is worth exploring considering the issue is not in a Red Barn either.
something that Ive seen happen, in all of my gardens, stacked or not, is that you go to visit your garden, and it's in between the "update time", so some get lagged behind. What I mean by that, is that if you pant them, even one right after the other, as you visit them, it IS possible to get some to hit an update of growth that the others dont. Ive seen it happen on mine many times. it happens much less with the L15 plant all spell, but it still happens from time to time. I just assume I visited them "too early" and caused a split of update.
In real life plants don't bloom and grow at the same time even when planted at the same time.
I really hate when people try to apply real life with a video game. In a world of magic, the same rules us muggles use dont apply. How do I know? One word: magic
Okay so I planted 4 Pink Dandelions all at the same time (within seconds), but yet they seem to have different times to harvest in a range of 2 hours from shortest to longest.
They are all in small pots. With 2 in small enchanted pots and 2 in small pots. I would expect possibly the enchanted to have maybe a shorter time or something, but they are not any different one is on a quicker cycle and one is actually the longest.
I have three items a Ball of Blue Yarn, a Potted Cattail, and a Tropical Garden Gnome near them and they all acknowledge them. So I am at a loss for why this should be occurring and what to see if anyone else has similar experiences.
It would be very rare to find them all with the same amount of time. Plants in the game do mimic what we find in real life as @Davidfire school mentioned.
I make it a point to not go to any of my houses that have gardens planted until 24 hours later. Even when I tend them, I will find various ones with time differences varying up to 2+ hours. One plant may show you 16 hours till next harvest and the next plant may show 19 hours. By only going every 24 hours, It guarantees they will all be ready to harvest. In some cases, there are plants that take even longer than 24 hours till the next harvest.
To build on this discussion 2 of my 4 Dandelions just Harvest elder, but the other 2 ~14 hours to harvest again and have not reached Elder. So I am at a loss considering I have not played much this week.
To build on this discussion 2 of my 4 Dandelions just Harvest elder, but the other 2 ~14 hours to harvest again and have not reached Elder. So I am at a loss considering I have not played much this week.
I recently planted some Sword Ferns on all of my wizards. ON 2 of them, even though they were all planted at the same time, I have 5 on each one that are 16+ hours behind the rest. I have no idea why this happens but unless they revert to seedling, I am not going to worry about them.
I do know that if you are planting and have to stop to tend something irl for a few minutes, then finish planting, it will make a difference in the grow time.