It's fun. I like seeing what creative outfits people are coming up with. One suggestion that I would really like is to be able to view your outfit with your wizard on the runway. Or even just to see it at all. I put all my wizards in with a different outfit for each. But I don't remember exactly what they all looked like. So if they are getting low points I'd like to mix it up. But I don't remember what the outfit was. Thank you.
I agree. It would be so helpful if we could see our wizard the way other people do. That personal feedback loop would enable us to refine our look and possibly bring it to a higher level.
This was a great idea. Thank you to whoever came up with it. I love decorating my castle and this is encouraging me to decorate my wizard as well! Being able to find out what other people are wearing and how to get the items will send us all off on shopping or questing sprees!