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A warning about using exploits


A reminder that while we appreciate the competitive spirit that our new events and the recent acquisition of KingsIsle has brought out in the community, please remember that it is never ok to ruin another player’s fun—whether by taking advantage of exploits or just through unsportsmanlike behavior.

Using exploits to knowingly hack your movement speed, move through walls and gates, enter combat with stats or spells that are forbidden, etc., violate our Terms of Service and can result in action against your account, including the possibility of a permanent ban.

If you see the use of any exploits, in Beastmoon, Deckathalons, or anywhere else in our games, please send a report to Customer Support (include a screenshot if you can). If you see talk of them outside of the game, please let us know too.

If you experience abusive behavior and other extremely negative actions by players that go against our rules and guidelines, especially where the actions may endanger underage players, please use the report tools in-game. Each of those reports goes directly to our team to follow up.

We will never take action on an account without confirming such an action is in violation of community rules, but we want to ensure fair play in the Spiral and will take action to do so if necessary. If you are concerned you may have unintentionally ran across an exploit, please also contact Customer Support and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Mar 16, 2012
Sparck. on Feb 9, 2021 wrote:

A reminder that while we appreciate the competitive spirit that our new events and the recent acquisition of KingsIsle has brought out in the community, please remember that it is never ok to ruin another player’s fun—whether by taking advantage of exploits or just through unsportsmanlike behavior.

Using exploits to knowingly hack your movement speed, move through walls and gates, enter combat with stats or spells that are forbidden, etc., violate our Terms of Service and can result in action against your account, including the possibility of a permanent ban.

If you see the use of any exploits, in Beastmoon, Deckathalons, or anywhere else in our games, please send a report to Customer Support (include a screenshot if you can). If you see talk of them outside of the game, please let us know too.

If you experience abusive behavior and other extremely negative actions by players that go against our rules and guidelines, especially where the actions may endanger underage players, please use the report tools in-game. Each of those reports goes directly to our team to follow up.

We will never take action on an account without confirming such an action is in violation of community rules, but we want to ensure fair play in the Spiral and will take action to do so if necessary. If you are concerned you may have unintentionally ran across an exploit, please also contact Customer Support and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
You should post this to the Pirate101 boards, as well. I've seen all of that behavior you described. (Especially that confounded Cabin Glitch!)

anecorbie on Feb 9, 2021 wrote:
You should post this to the Pirate101 boards, as well. I've seen all of that behavior you described. (Especially that confounded Cabin Glitch!)
Good idea, we'll post it today.

Feb 25, 2009
Sparck. on Feb 10, 2021 wrote:
Good idea, we'll post it today.
Also need to look into the use of a Plant All TC showing up in Favorites for gardening. I reported this months ago and the last time I checked it was still accessible through Favorites.

Sep 19, 2013
What we need is a list of things KI considers an exploit so we can know the difference between a clever use of game mechanics and something that isn't allowed. You can't expect us to just guess at what isn't allowed, and Customer Service has better things to do with their time then answer ticket about "can I do a thing" #12549.

May 31, 2009
Wonderful but can we get a definitive answer about Dungeon Recall in the Deckathalon? By my reckoning this is the 5th (or 6th?) Deckathalon where it's been an option and you yourself have posted several times that it would be fixed.

So, YES, and exploit?

It would be really helpful to get a once-and-for-all ruling on this. Given that it's been around for so long I guarantee there are many who assume it's an intentional feature.


Feb 25, 2009
Thank you for getting the "Plant All TC" exploit fixed. It is no longer showing in Favorites after being used.

Apr 18, 2013
Robobot1747 on Feb 10, 2021 wrote:
What we need is a list of things KI considers an exploit so we can know the difference between a clever use of game mechanics and something that isn't allowed. You can't expect us to just guess at what isn't allowed, and Customer Service has better things to do with their time then answer ticket about "can I do a thing" #12549.
I agree with Robobot1747.

If the game allows us to do something, it is fair game. Like respawning a boss, stacking gardens, all of castle magic, or using dungeon recall as it was intended to be used - for all dungeons, etc.
What I find disturbing is this game initially gives us something then suddenly takes it away. Now that's an exploit in the opposite direction. We were given double gardening member benefit until KI realized it benefits us too much so they claim it was not intended. They give us double reagent member benefit then decide some reagents are too rare to include. This was supposed to include every single reagent otherwise the name of the benefit should be changed. Exploit. Beastmoon events were doing something wonky with our energy. It was resetting it to an undisclosed percentage. This was sometimes working in the gameplayers favor, as it would reset energy but it also worked against us. To make it clear, Beastmoon would restore energy but it also can make us lose energy. So if it is considered an exploit when we gained energy from this event, what would one call it when we lose energy from it? And last I checked, we no longer gain energy from Beastmoon but we sure can lose some. There are tons more examples that can be given.

Many game bugs are reported all the time. To avoid game exploits what is needed are proper responses and quicker fixes.

Dec 20, 2008
I tried sending a major exploit to customer support back in Summer Test Realm last year and it has yet to be fixed. Last I checked the exploit was back in December (because I don't want to possibly be banned from using it too often). It's frustrating because in the email I received back from support, I was told I could mention it on the message boards in Sparck's thread of bugs. However, it got removed when I posted it here.

stevp on Feb 23, 2021 wrote:
I tried sending a major exploit to customer support back in Summer Test Realm last year and it has yet to be fixed. Last I checked the exploit was back in December (because I don't want to possibly be banned from using it too often). It's frustrating because in the email I received back from support, I was told I could mention it on the message boards in Sparck's thread of bugs. However, it got removed when I posted it here.
Contacting us reporting potential exploits helps us to help you as well, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you sent us the report (thank you!) then we're aware.

Apr 03, 2009
Dec 26, 2013
About exploits, I do magic shows in commons and these include some types of glitches such as, walking through walls, making my pet see through and other things. After I do the shows I give empowers to the people who watched, I just wanna know should I discontinue my magic shows or are these visual glitches fine? I have other glitches that I know of, one of them I am wondering if I should report. The glitch I am talking about is how people used to be able to go through walls and actually stay through the walls. Should I report this or not? Also here is an outdated video on how to do the glitch but it has the same effects as my glitch. www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV5AHK0w1OM

Kenneth Frost on Apr 27, 2021 wrote:
About exploits, I do magic shows in commons and these include some types of glitches such as, walking through walls, making my pet see through and other things. After I do the shows I give empowers to the people who watched, I just wanna know should I discontinue my magic shows or are these visual glitches fine? I have other glitches that I know of, one of them I am wondering if I should report. The glitch I am talking about is how people used to be able to go through walls and actually stay through the walls. Should I report this or not? Also here is an outdated video on how to do the glitch but it has the same effects as my glitch. www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV5AHK0w1OM
These seem fine, I wouldn't worry about these minor glitches.

Dec 26, 2013
Thanks, I was just making sure I couldn't get reported for this.