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Wizard101 for the Single Player

Aug 02, 2008
Is there anyway at all to complete this game by 'yourself'?

If not, IMO; There should be a way. Because many a time I have stood
around and searched all around asking for help on quests (mostly in marlybone) and either no one is around or they are all just too busy or
they are in their own 'clicks' of friends and don't want anyone eles in.
So as a signal player I find myself held up from advancing , and have to settle for battling monsters I have already fought.

Dec 02, 2008
You can do nearly everything in the game solo. The main exception is the very end of Dragonspyre. You may also need other players for Marleybone, and if you want to solo Sunken City, you'll need to wait until you're quite a bit higher level than when you first get access. I haven't done Dragonspyre myself, but everything else up to that point is readily soloable.