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Why do some wizards get other sale items?

Aug 12, 2009
I can understand that some items go on sale for the level you reach, like clothing, gear, etc. BUT what I don't get is why a PET goes on sale to some wizards and not to others???

I made a new wizard I am running temporarily today, just so I can get an extra item from a quest that is rarely ever available at the bazaar. My new wizard is obviously a novice, level 1. In the Crown Shop the Death Leprechaun pet is available for him to purchase. I don't want or need it as I have got this pet before from a second chance chest. Out of curiosity I checked all other wizards on that account, all the others are female, which isn't what seemed to matter because I went to my other account and logged in to my newest wizard on that one, which is level 4, female, and it is available to her as well.

I find it strange that a PET would be made available on sale to only certain levels and not others!!! I mean who is to say that a wizard who is level 5 or above wouldn't enjoy this pet???

KI, you really should make on sale pets available to all, just like the houses and mounts are that go on sale...though houses do require being level 15 to own/buy.