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What's the deal with Odji Sokwwi?

Apr 22, 2009
So a friend and I have been noticing that recently enemies are NOT using their own schools as much. Which raises the question: why do we carry shields for the school of our enemy if they won't work, because that enemy doesn't ever use his own school?

Ex: I am farming Odji Sokwwi for his Storm Trap Amulet. His sign most definitely says he is Ice. But my Fire Wand hits don't boost, he uses more Life spells then Ice spells, pops out a Life Blade and he throws up Death Shields.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but I guess my concern is wondering what is the point of knowing what school your enemy is, if it doesn't help you out at all. I realize that the enemies are learning more spells and such and that is great, but I fix my deck according to what I am fighting and when I think I am fighting Ice, then I am going to add more Ice/Fire shields than Dream Shields. If my enemy tosses out all Life Spells then, well, I am outta luck because I didn't bring any Dream Shields.

Hmm. I guess I'm just ranting.

That's all for now

Sarai Dragonstone Lvl 50 Ice/Storm
Sarai Dragonheart Lvl 21 Storm/Death