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What's in my backpack?

Sep 01, 2008
Every time I open my backpack page, I wonder if it's full or not. Is there a way to show the amount of items there are in the backpack without having to go back to the dorm room? This way I'll know it's time to go to one of the shops to sell off items that I really don't need. and get the items from the dorm to help me.


Sep 06, 2008
Another excellent suggestion! Please put the number of items in the backpack list. If you are full and don't know it, you won't get the drop from a fight and that can be a momumental waste of time if you are looking for something specific and are farming.
Otherwise, why would you ever use the discard button?

Nov 22, 2008
Technically there's an easy way to tell how full your pack is:

If you've got 1/10 showing it's very full.

As you have seen at your bank, your pack has a capacity of 80 items (the bank 100).

Since there are 8 items per page of pack, therefore 10 pages would be very full, or completely full.

Good luck, and have fun!

Sep 01, 2008
outofmemory wrote:
Technically there's an easy way to tell how full your pack is:

If you've got 1/10 showing it's very full.

As you have seen at your bank, your pack has a capacity of 80 items (the bank 100).

Since there are 8 items per page of pack, therefore 10 pages would be very full, or completely full.

Good luck, and have fun!

That makes sense. Thanks.