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What I would do is ...

Sep 28, 2008

Here is what I would do,

1 ) Housing

a ~ Allow people to see the houses before purchasing them. Given that this might cause future problems, I would limit the tours to only a few minutes, after which the prospective buyers would receive a message stating that the tour is over and ask that they leave or be evicted. This would allow people to see the houses prior to purchasing them. The other alternative is to allow the people a full refund after a short amount of time. Either of these options would solve several problems as it would either allow us to see the house prior to purchase or allow us to see the house and decide to keep it or not.

b ~ Allow the pets to run free in the yards. Who in their right minds keeps pets in a box?

c ~ Display our wands. Fabricate a stand which we can purchase in the furniture shops, as crown items this would not be good as not all can get access to crowns yet, which allows when we win a staff/sword a duplicate appears in the stand purchased. Thus allowing us to display them as trophies as well as show off our hard work farming.

d ~ Add an eviction button. We have all had friends port to our houses, invited or not, which in itself is not a bad thing however, while there someone else ports in. Then another and another and ... Okay, picture received. Suddenly you have a house full of people you do not know and sometimes refuse to leave. Your "safe haven" is no longer safe. Allow us to evict people when asked to leave and they refuse.

e ~ Resale value. Okay, you spend $40,000.00 on a house. Many quests and wizards later, you want to sale the house. The resale values of the properties purchased is insane. ADJUST them KI.

2 ) PVP Rankings and matches.

a ~ The ranking system needs some help. Here is what I would change. Limit the rankings to levels. You would not fight a person who is over five levels higher or lower than you. This is levels not ranks. This allows all people to be able to advance in ranks without a level 20 wizard having to face a level 50 GrandMaster. Every three months the ranks would be reset to Private, thus starting a new Arena season, which would allow us once we leveled up, to progress to the next leveled system. This allows a level 20 wizard to progress in rankings and not have to wait till he/she is a higher level to be safe from having to face a wizard with far higher pips and spells. After all, this seems only fair. Giving all players a chance to "play".

b ~ Ticket purchased items in duels. Once the new season starts, the ticket purchased clothing should be limited to the rank required to wear it and not allowed until that rank is again achieved. After all, a Private, wearing a Commanders outfit facing another Private is not exactly fair either. This allows all a fair chance and opportunity to partake in the events.

These are just a few ideas, some are repeats of others ideas and some my own invention. Thanks for your time...