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weird sound glitch in empyrea

Feb 07, 2011
yeah, so... i'm back (for now, anyway) and i decided to check out empyrea.

so far, i'm enjoying it. i actually knocked out a couple of quests by myself, without feeling constantly on-edge (like i did in mirage) or dying in 2 hits (like i also did in mirage)... buuuuut i discovered a very strange glitch with the sound in our brave, new world: whenever i cast sand wurm, the volume drops.

we're not talking a slight decrease either; we're talking what i'd guess is approximately a 75% decrease in volume, and i know it's not my pc because it only happens during the animation for that one spell. is this happening with other mirage spells too, or just the sand wurm?

i hope the maintenance that's happening as i type this fixes it. either way, bringing it to someone's attention can't hurt, i suppose.

editing to add that it's not just sand wurm: i was in a dungeon just now with a storm wizard who used iron sultan and, when he cast it, the sound disappeared entirely for the duration of the animation. not game-breaking, but it sure is annoying; please look into this, kthanks.
