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Weird freezing space but free movement glitch?

May 01, 2009
So this started today and has never happened before, but I got on to play with a friend, and everything was normal, but then the setting would freeze, like my friend would be near me (I could see that on his stream he was in a fight in front of me) but he was nowhere on my screen. The mobs would start walking off their paths (the smoking mirror zombies in the cenote actually moonwalked off the map) and if I opened up the realms page, nothing appeared. Like there would be a blank list with no names and i could click any square but not select change realm. I looked it up so see if anyone knew what to do about this because restarting my game didn't help, but nobody seemed to have the same issue.

Sep 07, 2017
I notice the mobs wander off their normal paths if my wifi connection is running slow or game is running slow. Restarting my computer usually works for the most part.