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Jan 20, 2012
The game is down for people overseas atm and I really want to play so I thought I would use a VPN but my friend told me if I use a VPN I will get banned for account sharing. Is that true? I just want to play on VPN because Wizard101 is available in the US right now and I live in the UK and I still can't log on.

Feb 23, 2013
I just saw a Reddit thread posted today from a person who just got banned for using a VPN for the very same reason. He/she is bound to a bed for illness and had several high wizards. Wizard101 helped take his mind off of his illness. So when he couldn't get on, he tried what he heard would work to circumvent the DDoS attacks - he used a VPN, not knowing this was against the rules. Poor kid got banned. I hope they let him back on. Its heartbreaking to see that they banned this poor sick kid. He didn't know any better.

So, the answer to your question (a little late) is definitely don't do it!

And KI -can you investigate? That story broke my heart!