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Unwanted Change of Areas

May 22, 2009
Over the last four months I have been questing with the same person with no problems. Since the last update there has been problems. Several times when we go from on area to another, the game puts us in different areas making one of us have to port to the other. This gets tedious, especially when we have port off to keep unwanted guests away. It even happens when we are in a perfect or normal realm.

Does this happen to anyone else and is there a way to stop it from happening?

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life
Hannah Summerglade Level 50 Fire

When we introduced Grouping, we messaged that it should keep grouped players together in the same Realm when changing areas.

If you were Grouped with your friends, and still ended up in a different Realm, please let us know as that is not what is intended.

If you were not Grouped with your friends, try Grouping up with them next time and see if it makes a difference and keeps you together.
