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unknown pets

May 10, 2009
I have seen students walking around with pets that aren't in my quest that I seen in wizard city and Krokotopia. can someone please respond?

Jun 19, 2009
Some bosses drop pets, but it's really rare. I have a snowsnake that I got from Prince Gobblestone and my friend found a dark sprite and a krokomummy.

Also, when you get to level 48 you are supposed to get pets according to your class. These are the ones that I know of:

Fire: Helephant
Ice: Ice Colossus (something like that)
Storm: Stormzilla
Myth: Orthrus (two-headed dog)
Death: Wraith
Life: Satyre
and I'm not sure about balance.

I hope that I helped out

May 10, 2009
I found a W101 fan site that shows pets... You help too! p.s. I got the snow serpent too!

Jun 04, 2009
Dec 06, 2008
Heres the thing... Some people buy cards at best buy, or target and get free pets AKA Firezilla,Warewolf thingy and CRAZY stuff like that. Well they ARE so-so to find Ive NEVER seen one. Ive heard of em tho. plus you get to lv. 48 and get free pet AKA helephant, Stormzilla, Hydra, Ice coloussous, ( sorry If its spelled wrong ),Satur, creepy death thingy-do-boper and more. gotta get my hands on one LOL!

they rock!

Jan 07, 2009
fair warning, call before you drive all the way there.
I spent 2 HOURS at best buy to be told they didn't have them or couldn't or wouldn't bother to find them.
I later called, very nice young lady found a card for me, put my name on it and put it where no one else could buy it out from under me.
Most places want you to use a credit card, and some folks like myself use cash. I did make the girl laugh when I said I was stuffing the money through the phone. It can be done, with lots of waiting and telling them how much you want the card.

Good luck!

When to pick up the card, not a soul knew where to find it, where do they get these kids? had to go to the storm manager, he had to call the young lady at home to ask where she put it. They are the worse organized company I've seen since compusa was in business.
In the end I got my card, showed it to ALL the workers and told them to remember me and the card, if I come back be ready to find another one.

May 09, 2009
the pets should actually you have to feed them and if you dont they go away. it would feel like your taking cary of a real pet and the other thing is that they can run away if they dont like you. it would be hard to but fun. like the kroke could be harder to take care of because its always looks like it is mad and the pigly would be easy to take care of because it always look like its smiling. the other thing is that you would have to buy there food and when you have one out the other wold be at your castle runing around. also you could buy play pens that come in different sizes.

by kellershadowrider
death wizard lvl 23