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Sep 02, 2008
Some time ago, for 1 training point, you used to be able to get one of either two different tri-shields cards from Niles the Balance Tree in Krokotopia. Either of the two cards would cost 1 pip to cast and they would protect the wizard with 3 shields (I am NOT talking about the spirit trap cards that he still has).

The 2 Different tri-shield cards were:
1. Fire,Storm, and Ice Shield
2. Life, Death, and Myth Shield

Can someone or an admin person please tell me why they are no longer available or if there is a different place that you can go to get them?


Aug 19, 2008
Wow! You know I went there to get those for one of my newer wizards and they weren't there. So I am NOT crazy! They were there?

Cool. Now where did they go? LOL

Dec 02, 2008
Your first wizard didn't happen to be a balance wizard, did it?

Elemental Shield is the reward for the quest Enrollment, but only if you're a balance wizard. If you're another class, you get a different card. Spirit Shield is the reward for the quest Rescue Report, but again, only if you're a balance wizard.

Sep 02, 2008
No I am a fire wizard and the two tri-shield cards that you could get from Nile were from the school of balance and either card would cost 1 pip to cast.

I really would like an answer to this from an admin person. Better yet they should put them back with Nile.

Can an admin person PLEASE answer this post?


Dec 02, 2008
Do you actually have those cards on your fire wizard? If not, you may have seen the traps and thought they were shields. Niles didn't have the cards you describe as of last December; it would strike me as peculiar if he did before that and it was changed.

Dec 11, 2008
I would really like to know where this spell is as well, or if it's even possible for a non-balance Wizard to get. I am Myth and only have shields for Myth, Life and Death. I am finished with the game for now, so was planning on trying PVP a little more, but if I am going to be unable to defend against other attacks, it isn't going to be much fun... other than buying Treasure cards with the shields, using my one Tower shield and absorb shields...