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trapped in freezing limbo T_T

Feb 15, 2009
I'm not sure if this counts as a bug, but it does seem to be a problem: I recently got a desktop computer that was designed for playing games, and I've been trying to play wizard101 on it and... every time it seems I try to play I eventually get stuck in what I like to call: Frozen Limbo.

here's how I can describe it, on my end... I'm doing everything that would be done on the game, I'd pick a card and then the game would supposedly stop working for me after the timer for the battle's decision making reaches zero (kind of like how internet disconnection works except it doesn't show the symbol for that, at all)

but most of the time it isn't even just in battle, I'll be walking around a world minding my own business and then everything just kind of seems off, like for me when this happens, other wizards are stuck in time and standing there doing nothing, and the npcs just go walking off into walls or over chasms they shouldn't walk over. All the meanwhile, I'm just stuck in limbo. but anyways this has happened to me at least like 6 times now. and I'm unsure if it has something to do with my own computer, or my internet, but so far: those don't seem to be suspects for this seeing as my computer was built from literally the best parts one can get. and the internet modem we use is basically for gaming.

so my question is: what is going on? T_T and can I fix it in anyway? cause I love this game, and this honestly shouldn't be happening, but it somehow is.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
I had problems like this with a brand new computer a few years ago. It turned out (in my case) to be a faulty wireless adapter. Troubleshooting took several months in my case to isolate exactly what was causing the frequent interruptions, but once I realized my computer's wireless adapter was junk, I turned it off. Then $40 bucks at Best Buy got me a Netgear USB wireless adapter that I'm still using to this day without any trouble at all.

An unstable internet connection would be hard to detect just while web browsing but it causes severe annoyance when trying to stream a game. One way to tell if the problem is your internet (or KI) vs your new computer, is try running the game on a different computer in your house. If you still have trouble, look to your ISP or KI themselves.

However, if the game runs fine on a different computer in your house, then you know to start looking deeper into your new computer's settings and equipment.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven