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Threat Management or Agro

Dec 11, 2008
Has anyone else found it odd how little information there is on Threat Management? (or agro as some call it in other games)
Especially given how this seems to be a core mechanic that you get a slew of spells to control when finding the Necro school.

Searching the FAQs, strategy sites, and forums, there is little to no official word. The closest I’ve found is: https://www.wizard101.com/site/posts/list/2932.ftl#14740

Which basically says, “This affects the likely hood of them attacking you but it’s still kinda random” (to paraphrase)

I understand this game is intended for younger kids, but for more advanced players it would be nice for a an “advanced” explanation.
In spirit of the Forum, here is my suggestion for New Players. Have a VERY rough summary of how Threat works so they are not casting CALM/THREAT/etc. when fighting a creature solo and getting very frustrated at it constantly seeming to do nothing.
Also I’d like to suggest these spells have a different game mechanic that makes it clear and easy to use, such as a flat easy to understand wording.
The spell CALM: ” For each pip, you have a 20% chance of the enemy choosing a new valid target.”
The spell Threat: ” For each pip, you have a 20% chance of the enemy making you his new target.”

For those new or confused, feel free to read on, I’ll try not to be too wordy. I play almost exclusively with my son who attacks and I heal. This is how the game APPEARS to handle Threat. I would love to be corrected or verified by a moderator. ;)

Threat= how angry have you made each enemy? More threat means they are more likely to attack you over your allies.
If you just walk into a duel and do nothing, you haven’t “made them mad,” they’ll just attack the defualt.

1st person is targeted by all enemies and remains targeted.
If allies enter fight at same time, it is divided evenly as possible. Enemy 1 targets ally 1, enemy 2 targets ally 2, etc.
If 2nd ally enters, he will not be targeted until a 2nd enemy joins, and 3rd to 3rd etc.

Generating Threat.
As you generate threat, it will have a chance of that enemy switching to target you. The more threat the more likely it will happen. It appears to cumulative.
Damaging an enemy generates threat. (more damage = more threat) this seems to be most effective.
Targeting an enemy with non damage spell effects generates a small amount of threat.
Healing generates some threat with all enemies (larger heals= more threat)

Holding Threat.
If an enemy is targeting you and you are doing damage to him each round it is very rare they will switch targets.

Threat management cards.
Here’s where the frustration is. They seem to generate or lower the cumulated amount of threat by an unknown amount per pip. So unless you understand threat, if you are fighting 3 vs 3 duel and you use the Calm spell on an enemy targeting you, if no one else has generated decent threat on that enemy yet, Calm will never do anything.
If you target an enemy with Threat but have not attacked them yet, and someone else has taken half their life, it is unlikely you can ever pull him away.
My experimentation has shown if I'm the target and use a 1-3 pip CALM is about as effective as my son using a similar pip attack spell on that enemy if I don’t attack the enemy that round. Same with the THREAT spell. 4+ pip casting seems much more effective.

Anyone agree/disagree?

Jun 07, 2009
Seem to be the right explanation.
I wonder if the numbers 20% per pip are real or you using it just as an example.
