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The shared bank between characters on the same acc

May 28, 2008
I started thinking. This is not going to be a wholesale raid on the dorm.

Basically you have to have wizards of about the same rank, and not too far along the game.

1. You can give a level 20 wizard a great spell, but he may not be able to use it until he is level 35 (example).

2. If you are farther along in the game:

a. You probably already have pretty good stuff
b. You may have purchased/earned crown ware which you won't surrender.

So really I think this only involve REALLY good stuff (probably rings and anthems) among wizards of about the same rank.

A nice new feature of the greatest MMO on the web. But it is not
going to drastically change the game or put anyone at a tremendous disadvantage.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Dec 02, 2008
DeejMaster wrote:
It would be nice to be able to share between accounts, but then the dark side of the online gaming industry comes out. Perhaps, if they allowed trading between accounts that have the same IP addresses or something to that effect. That way, the family that plays together, can trade together?

That's not an issue if it only allows transfer of items between linked "family" accounts.

Oct 17, 2008
I think to share the items between family plans will be perfect. Or, like others have said, just let people trade items. The family plan will also be a nice addition too though, because then I can give all my life stuff that I don't use to my sister who's main character is life. I personally don't have a life character, and don't plan on making one until I can get all my apprentices to at least initiate. Please consider adding this.