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Teleport stone not working

Jun 29, 2009
I can not activate the fish teleport stone in cave of solitude in mooshu. Logged out and back in, still does not work. Suggestions?

Apr 22, 2009
I don't use the teleporters even if the arrow points to them. Why? Because for some lame reason I can't use them. If you KI people put new things like that in the game, include instructions on how to use them. A friend of mine said you have to activate them. I asked how? She had no answer. There are only a few that I can use. All the rest don't work for me.

Sorry you're having troubles with the teleport stones and devices, young Wizard. Teleport stones and devices will transfer players from point to point on the map, but you must first discover both points before you can teleport between them.

There are two 'ends' to the teleport stones. One end is grouped together in a central location of the area you are in. This is called a Teleport Hub.

The other ends are scattered around that same area. You must located BOTH ends of a teleport to activate it.

When you encounter a teleport stone or device in a remote location, walk up to it and it will light up. Once you've done that, you can use it to travel back and forth between it, and the main Hub of stones.

Sep 28, 2009
mcg80 wrote:
I can not activate the fish teleport stone in cave of solitude in mooshu. Logged out and back in, still does not work. Suggestions?