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Teen pet not leveling up to adult

Jun 06, 2009
I just fed my teen pet with 247/250 XP a robe that gave it 12 XP (double pet XP), which pushed its XP up to 259/250... but it didn't level up to adult. I thought maybe it was confused because its level had been increased by feeding it an item rather than leveling up via a game or pet snack, so I went to the Pet Pavilion and played a quick round of the dance game, pushing its XP up to 267/250... still didn't level it up. I then fed it a snack for 2 XP, and still nothing. I also tried switching characters, as well as quitting the game altogether and logging back in again. Nothing has changed. My pet is still registering as a teen with 269/250 XP.
This pet is just my base, so I have no intention of continuing to train is past adult... but because it's refusing to level up, I also can't hatch with it until it does so. I would really appreciate it if y'all could look into this soon so I can get back into pet training! I have a screenshot of the XP bar that I can send Support if needed, I'm just hesitant to contact Support directly because the last time I emailed them about an individual issue like this, I was told to just put it in the forums...

M SilverCollar on Sep 27, 2021 wrote:
I just fed my teen pet with 247/250 XP a robe that gave it 12 XP (double pet XP), which pushed its XP up to 259/250... but it didn't level up to adult. I thought maybe it was confused because its level had been increased by feeding it an item rather than leveling up via a game or pet snack, so I went to the Pet Pavilion and played a quick round of the dance game, pushing its XP up to 267/250... still didn't level it up. I then fed it a snack for 2 XP, and still nothing. I also tried switching characters, as well as quitting the game altogether and logging back in again. Nothing has changed. My pet is still registering as a teen with 269/250 XP.
This pet is just my base, so I have no intention of continuing to train is past adult... but because it's refusing to level up, I also can't hatch with it until it does so. I would really appreciate it if y'all could look into this soon so I can get back into pet training! I have a screenshot of the XP bar that I can send Support if needed, I'm just hesitant to contact Support directly because the last time I emailed them about an individual issue like this, I was told to just put it in the forums...
Hello! Thank you for the report! Has this happened on multiple pets? If not, which pet did this happen on specifically?

Jun 06, 2009
Maceryn on Sep 27, 2021 wrote:
Hello! Thank you for the report! Has this happened on multiple pets? If not, which pet did this happen on specifically?
This has only happened to me once (so far), on an Arctic Serpent named Queen Sheba.
Thank you for looking into this!