My buddy list often gets full, and I wish there were an easy way to recognize people I have not seen for a few weeks so I could remove them to make room for new friends. I am bad at remembering names, and when I see similar names like Angela DreamThief and Andrea DreamGiver on my list, I'm never sure which one I fought all those bosses with on Saturday and which one I haven't seen online in a month. Also, I sometimes friend someone just in order to taxi them to a place they haven't unlocked yet, and I don't know then if we will do anything else together or not. It would be nice to see the last date on which I ported to her, or the last date on which we texted each other, or something.
The most useful addition might be a comment field where I could make a brief note about someone if I wanted, such as "did Sunken City with" or "good card trader" or "Vanessa's brother." You could apply the same filter as text chat if you want to keep the comments clean.
Anyone else having this problem keeping friends straight?
Yes, I have the very same problem. At first, I accepted everyone's friend request whether I played with them or not. I don't accept random friend requests now and there are some players that I knew I should eliminate from my list after they constantly called for help or showed up at the most inconvenient times. There are players that I added just to help with a quest and then left them on there because we had so much fun. Problem is now I don't remember which one they are! Something to give us some kind of hint would be nice. I could just write stuff down but I don't do that either.