I was playing in Wintertusk earlier today, and I got my level 55 spell quest. I went to Sudrilund, which I had just unlocked, and followed the quest arrow. I came to the Wall of Ice, and notice that it was 'blocking' me. By 'blocking', I mean that I could walk through the Wall of Ice without doing the quest to break it, which I assume you aren't supposed to able to do. If this is a bug, please look into it. Thanks.
Edit: This has also happened with the gate right before you meet Nordri.
Could somebody please reply to this? Also, I am fairly certain this is a glitch, considering I was able to get the Trogg and a Silver Chest next to Nordri.
I think - and I am not certain, correct me if I am mistaken - if you had previously ported to a friend that was already on the other side of these walls, it plays with the quest flags of your character. It may have triggered a flag before it should have.
Could somebody please reply to this? Also, I am fairly certain this is a glitch, considering I was able to get the Trogg and a Silver Chest next to Nordri.
I had to do a few cave fights before the ice was able to be smashed down so I could get though there - I believe I needed pick and shovels and it was given by the character on the other side of the frozen lake there across from the gear vendor.
I didn't mean I thought it was the quest that did it, I just said I was going to the spell quest cave and noticed that I could go through the wall of ice without doing the prerequisite quest (which I did after I realized I couldn't get to the cave.) Also, explain the thing about Nordri's gate.