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Stun AOE Spells

Sep 16, 2011
So my friends and I recently did a 4v4 tournament where one of our opponents used a Choke from second, but something weird happened...
After 3 of us got stunned (only one of us had used stun blocks that same round), the game did the usual of putting 4 stun blocks on whoever got stunned due to it being a 4v4. However, after all of our stun blocks were finished being put on, 1 stun block was put on each of our opponents.
I'm not entirely sure if this is a known problem or if there's variation of Choke that stuns the opponents and puts one stun block on you and your allies, but it just doesn't seem right to me.
This was the second time this has happened in tournaments and with the same spell as well.

Feedback and testing is appreciated