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Stun and Stun Resistance

Mar 11, 2014
I've noticed one thing with stun resistance; its utterly pointless. Even if you do resist a stun it doesnt even count! i have resisted stuns before and one time when i did, it made me fizzle even thou i was over 100% accurate and had no debuffs for accuracy on me and another time i resisted one and it ended up making me skip a turn as if i didnt cast anything even though i did! I dont know if anyone else has encounted this but it really needs to be fixed, id rather there not be a pointless stat.

Jan 18, 2010
Okay. So, let's get some facts straight here.

Now, before, when you'd have an accuracy of 100% or more, yes, the game mechanic still allowed a small/slight chance of fizzling.

However, as per recent updates, accuracy of 100% or over reduces your chance of fizzling to almost zero.

About Stun Resistance. Personally, it's not something I invest in. It seems when you resist a stun at times, it still fails to count.


If a mob uses a double stun hit such as Medusa, you may resist only one turn of the stun and still be stunned on another, forcing a pass. It seems from what you described, something similar to this occurred to you. You resisted the stun, but you still passed.

Since it's fairly new and I'm guessing no complaints or queries have really been submitted on the matter, it was always overlooked.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Stuns have nothing to do with fizzle. Fizzling or not is based on your accuracy. All a stun does, is force you to miss a turn. (In the case of Medusa, it forces you to miss two turns.) If you are stunned, you don't get a chance to fizzle because you don't get a turn at all.

Stun resist means you have a small chance to block the attempt to stun you. When you successfully block that stun, a shield will glow around you and it will say "stun resisted." The graphics will definitely show some action and you will still get to take your turn.

If two enemies try to stun you in a row, you might resist only ONE of them and end up stunned after all - but that's not because the first "stun resist" didn't work, it's because you got hit twice and only resisted one of the hits.

I've had stun resist of up to 15% on my Fire, and it does work. (It's a pretty useful stat when going up against Ice, Storm or Myth mobs.)

Alia Misthaven

Jul 09, 2009
Yea this is unfortunately the case for me as well. I really hope it's not a glitch and it was intended because I have lost 2 or 3 PvP matches because of it. Basically whenever you stun resist, when you go to cast your next spell it automatically fizzles. This has happened to me 5-6 times, it is every time I stun resist. And almost every time I have fizzled it was like a blade or something with %100 accuracy with no debuffs, just like vipervenom009 said. It basically ruins the point of stun resist because if you get stunned you miss a round, if you stun resist and automatically fizzle, you are still essentially missing a round. It is very frustrating and I hope a Kingsisle staff person can look into it