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Spell card glitch?

Apr 16, 2016
When I'm in the middle off a battle a card appears in the upper left corner of my screen. That card covers up
the amount of health the enemy has left. Is that card a computer suggestion for the next card recommended
to use? It is hard to tell how much more damage I have to do to defeat the creature when the card is covering
up it's remaining health, especially if the creature uses healing spells. Could you move the location of the
card on the screen or remove it all together? Thank you.

Dec 15, 2010
This is most likely a bug or a display issue with the cards in your hand. If this problem keeps occurring, contact customer support at www.wizard101.com.

May 22, 2009
TPOW65 on Mar 7, 2017 wrote:
When I'm in the middle off a battle a card appears in the upper left corner of my screen. That card covers up
the amount of health the enemy has left. Is that card a computer suggestion for the next card recommended
to use? It is hard to tell how much more damage I have to do to defeat the creature when the card is covering
up it's remaining health, especially if the creature uses healing spells. Could you move the location of the
card on the screen or remove it all together? Thank you.
I have actually had that happen several times. Each time I hit 'ESC' to get the option interface to appear and then hit it again to cancel it. The card disappears.