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Since update wands do not always appear in fight

Jan 26, 2014
Since the update that brought Monstology into the game, I have noticed more and more that my wand is not always visible in each fight. I have seen this happen to with others in the circle where at times I don't see their wand either. Just wondering if others are noticing this or if it is a glitch with my clients.

Jun 06, 2008
Hi. This should have been fixed with the update last night. If it is still happening, please let us know the name of the wand you are using.

Jan 26, 2014
I played a lot Sat. night on all my toons and the wands were always there. thank you

Apr 09, 2011
for me it depended upon the fight. as sometimes the wands would be there and at times they would be invisible. these were the Staff of the void stalker and Staff of the Dragon's maw.

Jan 26, 2014
Just noticed last night, my wands are now always there, but now other people's wands come and go. Not during the fight mind you but if the wand is there when fight starts, it stays, if it isn't there, the hands are still in correct position, but the wand never re-appears until after the fight.

May 23, 2009
Dworgyn, what if it is a stitched wand? I don't believe stitching should have an impact but my ice's wand would disappear then reappear today. It is the road legend skull stitch as a celestian trident. Also, when I inspect my friends their wands no longer show.