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Selling reagents - what a pain!!!

Jul 21, 2009
I am not inclined to do crafting - it's just not my thing. However the process of selling reangents is a real pain in the neck. It seems as if you are clicking F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

Can you do something with the GUI to make it so you can sell a certain number or all of a particular type of reagent or all reagents at once?


Jun 06, 2009
I agree. You should be able to buy or sell multiple.

There's a slight problem with the price, since it could change at any moment, and the price of the second item might be different from the first.

I think something like "Buy 10 for xxx" or "Sell 10 for xxx" might be quick enough, and would prevent you from underpaying or being overpaid.


If you really want to unload your reagents fast, you could go sell them to the reagent vendors. Then it's one click per item. But then you're guaranteed to get a terrible price :(