So I tried out the new Seamstress function tonight and tried to take the stats from one hat and put them on another. It took my 100 Crowns and changed the appearance of my hat into the default hat. At least I retained the good hat's stats, but it's a bummer to go around wearing a Level 0 hat in colors that don't match my outfit. And I paid for this service...*Sigh*
Please send the following information in an email to Mr Lincoln at
Your account name: (NOT YOUR PASSWORD!) Your character name that experienced this glitch: The world you were in when this bug occurred: The names of the two items you stitched together (as close as you can remember): The name of the item you have now, and if possible a screenshot of how it looks now:
He'll look into it and see what he can do to fix it for you.
So it appears in my case, the icon goes to the default look, with the expected stats after being stitched. However, I took the off the item and put it back on and it then had the expected stitched appearance.
So no need to involve customer service. Thanks anyway Gamma!